SQL Query: All Software Updates Downloaded But Not in a Software Update Group – #SysCtr #ConfigMgr
UPDATE 3/16/2015 4:07 PM EST: I had the join clause wrong and needed to update the where clause to not show software update groups in the results.
John Marcum on the ConfigMgr myITForum mailing list today was asking if anyone had a query to show all software updates downloaded but do not exist in a software update group. I’ve had to write a ton of queries and reports on the software update schema in ConfigMgr so I thought I would give a stab at it. Here is the query:
DECLARE @UserSIDs nvarchar(255)='DISABLED',@locale nvarchar(8)='en-us' DECLARE @lcid AS INT SET @lcid = dbo.fn_LShortNameToLCID(@locale) SELECT ali.Title [SUG], ui.IsUserCI, ui.IsUserDefined, ui.CI_ID, ui.CI_UniqueID, ui.Title, ui.ArticleID, ui.BulletinID, ui.DatePosted, ui.DateRevised, uc.ContentProvisioned [Downloaded] FROM fn_rbac_UpdateInfo(@lcid, @UserSIDs) ui LEFT JOIN fn_rbac_CIAssignmentToCI(@UserSIDs) aci ON ui.CI_ID = aci.CI_ID LEFT JOIN fn_rbac_CIAssignment(@UserSIDs) a ON aci.AssignmentID = a.AssignmentID LEFT JOIN v_CIAssignmentToGroup atg ON atg.AssignmentID = a.AssignmentID LEFT JOIN fn_AuthListInfo(@lcid) ali ON ali.CI_ID = atg.AssignedUpdateGroup LEFT JOIN fn_rbac_UpdateContents(@UserSIDs) uc ON uc.CI_ID = ui.CI_ID WHERE ui.IsUserDefined = 0 AND ali.Title IS NULL AND uc.ContentProvisioned = 1 GROUP BY ali.Title, ui.CI_ID, ui.IsUserCI, ui.IsUserDefined, ui.CI_UniqueID, ui.Title, ui.ArticleID, ui.BulletinID, ui.DatePosted, ui.DateRevised, uc.ContentProvisioned, uc.ContentCI_ID ORDER BY ui.DatePosted ASC |
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